

Lär dig mer om hur du kan starta kostnadseffektiva kampanjer

800% ROI

Flygbussarna – Transport Service, Sweden

Picture of bus

Flygbussarna behövde modernisera sin digitala marknadsföring. En testkampanj med Match2One resulterade i ökad kontroll och möjligheten att optimera kampanjer i realtid. Smarta annonser med ett starkt budskap fick Flygbussarna att nå en ROI på hela 800%.

Om företaget

As the official coach service to and from Sweden’s main airports, Flygbussarna has been offering comfortable and convenient transfers for almost 30 years. The company places a strong emphasis on sustainability, and has their fleet of vehicles all running on biofuel as part of their efforts to contribute to a better environment. They are also continuously working to reduce their fuel consumption through their honorable “Smart Driving” initiative.


Away from the roads, Flygbussarna felt that they were lacking control over their digital marketing, and were finding it difficult to analyze and act on monthly reports. They wanted a better understanding of what their investments generated in actual revenue. In addition to this, they were looking for a system where they could make quick decisions and easily generate ads to be shown to existing and potential customers online. So they chose Match2One, looking to fully utilise the platform’s performance and transparent reporting, whilst managing their advertising campaigns in real time.

They set ambitious goals to increase sales and help build their brand awareness across Sweden, with a CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) target for a conversion on their website to be below $1.50 USD.


The idea behind their ads was to remind people of the existence of Flygbussarna and what an affordable travel experience it provides. According to their research, the majority of people have their expectations exceeded with the comfort and experience on the buses, with most first time riders converting into return customers. They used this feedback from various surveys as inspiration for their creatives, making sure that these selling points translated into their banners. In the Match2One Creative Studio they created all of their ads from scratch, featuring the clear CTA of “Always cheapest online.” – emphasising their service as the cheapest mode of public transport to and from airports. After just a couple of days, Flygbussarna had already put the finishing touches on their first batch of banners and had got the ball rolling on their first campaign.

As the results came in, the company was able to see in real time which of their ads and call-to-actions were triggering the most ticket sales. From a quick look at the ad performance reports, they learned that their thinner ad sizes worked the best, with the 728×90 format producing over 300 conversions alone.

In terms of content, images of the bus’ exterior and interior shots with customers were the most successful. In order to scale up their results, Flygbussarna seamlessly updated their banners within the Match2One Creative Studio, re-designing their ads and applying them in different sizes.

Since the start of April 2018, their combined retargeting and prospecting campaign has generated over 63 million views, resulting in thousands of shuttle tickets sold. Their total sales saw an uplift of 7% in just 30 days. Flygbussarna’s extensive testing of their ad creatives has definitely made the campaign one of the most successful to have run through the Match2One platform yet!

Lär dig mer om hur du kan starta kostnadseffektiva kampanjer
Erika from Flygbussarna

This platform and system is totally transparent and user friendly which is great! You can easily see, understand and affect your sales and performance. It is very time effective and the feeling of knowing it’s doing the job while you can concentrate on other things – is great.

Match2One drives a significant amount of traffic to and we believe it is a great platform that makes our brand more visible and helps us stay top of mind. Match2One generates a lot of conversions in all our channels and we are very happy with our decision to use their services.

- Erika Westman, Marketing Project Leader
Campaign Objectives







April 2018 - Present



Desktop, Tablet, Mobile

Campaign Results










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